"drugs" by evil___g

"kiss in the box" also by evil___g - a nice early christmas present : )

late entry for halloween "fix-me-doll" nurses - yui1111ia and friend

"yurei" by f23_f61

"malaria" (or "the wasp" as she called it) by pinkphantom77

celestia pale dollheart - not cosplay of any particular paintings but still "inspired by babyart" - "am i a trevor brown girl yet" she asked when gracing us with her latest batch of photos - i'm not so sure that's a good thing to be but of course it got my attention and made me want to befriend her immediately

and, from the very cute to the very ugly, we have this ridiculous woman copying my art and claiming it is absolutely HER original art! - (i'm just an irrelevant fucking child trying to get attention from her work)
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